Gobierno de España. Ministerio de Hacienda Y Función Pública. Abre nueva ventana Secretaría de Estado de Presupuestos y Gastos
Administración Presupuestaria

Dirección General de Presupuestos

Director General Javier Sánchez Fuentefría

Curriculum Vitae (Link to the Transparency Website)


C/ Alberto Alcocer, 2
28036 Madrid

Teléfono: 91 583 73 03


The Directorate-General for Budgets will be responsible for implementing the objectives and criteria of the budgetary policy, the multiannual revenue and expenditure planning for the state public sector, drafting the General State Budgets annually, and monitoring their execution in accordance with the economic policy guidelines established by the Government. In carrying out these tasks, it is responsible for the following functions:

  1. Implementing and monitoring budgetary policy objectives and drafting standards for their achievement.
  2. Defining the guidelines that must be followed in compliance with the obligations arising from European regulations on fiscal governance.
  3. Drafting regulations and instructions that should guide the annual creation of the General State Budgets and coordinating the budget drafting process. Particularly:
    • • Drafting the proposal for budget stability targets and the State’s non-financial expenditure limit.
    • • Drafting the studies that inform decisions made by the Expenditure Policies Committee..
    • • Determining quantitative limits and guidelines that should be respected by the management centres’ expenditure proposals, in accordance with the Expenditure Policies Committee and the approved non-financial expenditure limit.
    • • Preparing the statements of expenditures and revenue for the draft General State Budget based on the revenue forecasts and allocations proposed by the management centres.
    • • Coordination and control of the budget appropriation of the credits associated with the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan and its addendum.
    • • Coordinating and drafting the documentation that must accompany the Central Government Budget Bill.
    • • Analysing the territorial distribution of investment projects that must be included or funded in the General State Budgets in order to facilitate a consistency analysis of the whole of public investments.
  4. Providing the necessary support during the parliamentary debate process on the Central Government Budget Bill and implementing the amendments to expenditure and revenue statements approved by Parliament.
  5. The report on laws and regulations, in its preparation and approval stages, on administrative acts, contracts and agreements, as well as on any other action affecting present or future public expenditure or revenue, in accordance with the requirements of the principles of budgetary stability and financial sustainability, when this is established by the applicable legislation or requested by the bodies to which it reports.
  6. Drafting studies and specific proposals for the control of budgetary stability within the guidelines established by the Government.
  7. Improving the quality of public spending by actively monitoring the implementation of the results of spending reviews and preparing and publishing an annual report on the measures adopted in response to the recommendations made by AIReF in those spending reviews.
  8. The development and implementation of methodologies that allow for a transversal analysis of the General State Budget, as well as the design, preparation and coordination of the reports and their dissemination through websites, in collaboration with the Directorate General for Personnel Costs.
  9. Analysing the objectives and actions of the business and foundation sub-sectors of the state public sector and their consistency with expenditure policies..
  10. The analysis and monitoring of the economic-financial and budgetary activity of the business and foundation subsectors of the state public sector, as well as the preparation and settlement of the programme-contracts referred to in the General Budgetary Law 47/2003, of 26 November.
  11. The analysis and study of the objectives set for the management centres in the budget, as well as the implementation of the allocations assigned to them, in order to ensure an efficient budget allocation.
  12. Analysing the legitimacy and expediency of the budgetary modifications proposed by the management centres, as well as, where applicable, of commitments to multiannual expenditures; reporting on their consequences, how they will be funded, and performing any necessary processing of said modifications.
  13. Assessing and analysing the impact of the Regional Administrations’ Financing systems on the General State Budgets.
  14. Analysing the evolution and execution of the revenue and expenditures reflected in the General State Budgets.
  15. Promoting and proposing initiatives aimed at improving budgeting techniques that will allow for a greater rationalisation of budgetary programmes.
  16. Promoting relations with regional administrations, international bodies, and any other public or private institution for the exchange of information and experiences on the budgetary institution..
  17. Encouraging the transparency of budgetary information, especially ensuring that citizens have access to this information.
  18. Specific training for public employees on budgetary subjects.