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Secretariat of State for Budgets and Expenditure

Logotipo SEPG

The State Secretariat for Budgets and Expenditure directs and coordinates, under the management of the Ministry of Finance :

The formulation of criteria and objectives for budgetary policy, multi-year programming of public sector income and expenses programmes and the drawing up of the State Budget, its monitoring and the assessment of its implementation, through the Directorate General of Budgets.

It is also attached to the State Secretary for Budget and Expenditure and the Government Comptroller's Office.

In the exercise of these functions, the Secretary coordinates the Commission on Expenditure Policy and the Revenue Commission (chairing these in the absence of the Minister of Finance). The SEPG also chairs the Programme Analysis Commissions and is vice-chair of the Commission on Financial Coordination of Real Estate and Property Actions. In addition, the Secretary acts as chair of the Public Investment Committee and the Governing Council of Regional Incentives, and also heads the Special Delegation of the Ministry of Finance at RENFE-Operadora; the administrative units of this delegation report structurally and functionally to said Secretary.

These pages contain up-to-date information on all of the SEPG's actions and allow for the possibility of contacting the different units through the following contact addresses.

  •  Prórroga del Presupuesto para 2025. Abre en nueva ventana
  • Informe sobre el periodo medio de pago a proveedores
  • Registro Contable de Facturas
  • Entorno colaborativo SOROLLA2. Formacion, soporte, foros
  • Portal de la Transparencia
  • Punto de acceso general
  • Sistema de cuentas públicas territorializadas
  • Imagen del certificado de conformidad con el ENS