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Gobierno de España. Ministerio de Hacienda Y Función Pública. Abre nueva ventana Secretaría de Estado de Presupuestos y Gastos
Administración Presupuestaria

Browsing Guide

How to browse the Budgetary Administration Internet Portal

In the heading, it is identified that the State Secretariat of Budgets and Expenses, of the Ministry of the Treasury, configures the sector of budgetary administration.

Administration, which sets the scope of the Budget Administration.

The accesses to the versions of the portal in the different official languages of Spain, in addition to English, are also located in this area. It also includes access to the browsing homepage, the map of the portal, and access to e-mail addresses to answer user enquiries regarding the contents published, as well as search options.

At the top you can see current news from the Ministry of the Treasury, especially with regard to the functional scope of this Portal.

The central body, upper area, is structured into three channels:

  • State Secretariat for Budget and Expenditure
  • General Intervention Board of the State Administration
  • Online Office

The central body, lower area, is used for highlighting the new developments that the governing bodies that manage the Budget Administration's portal contents want to make public.

In addition, the lower part includes accesses to the institutional campaigns by the Spanish Administration.

The footer includes a link to this guide and specifies different standards met by this portal.


State Secretariat for Budget and Expenditure

It is a superior body that, under the authority of the Ministry of the Treasury, is responsible for leading and coordinating:

  • The formulation of criteria and objectives for budgetary policy, multi-year programming of public sector income and expenses programmes and the drawing up of the State Budget, its monitoring and the assessment of its implementation, through the Directorate General of Budgets.
  • The planning, programming and budgeting of public sector personnel costs.
  • The design, planning and management of EU funds and the state implementation of the regional incentives policy, together with the monitoring and management of the Spanish participation in the Community budget of the European Union through the Directorate General of Community Funds.

While carrying out these functions, it coordinates the Committee on Expense Policies and the Earnings Committee, chairing them in the absence of the Minister of the Treasury, chairs the Programme Analysis Committees, and acts as the vice chairperson of the Financial Coordination Committee for Real Estate and Equity Actions. It also chairs the Public Investment Committee and the Regional Incentives Board, and is the head of the Special Delegation of the Treasury in RENFE-Operadora, whereby the administrative units that comprise this Delegation depend on it organically and functionally.

These pages contain up-to-date information on all of its actions and allow for the possibility of contacting the different units through the following contact addresses.

Organisation and General Aspects.

The organisational chart and the functions of the State Secretariat for Budget and Expenditure and its governing bodies are shown in this section:

  • General Directorate of Budgets.
  • General Directorate of Personnel Costs.
  • Directorate General of Community Funds.

State Budget

This section contains the current year's information related to the State Budget, both what has been approved and their projects. The Budget is specified and summarised in a range of papers: the yellow paper contains the Budget laid before the National Parliament and the blue paper sets out an introduction and the budget structures..

Provides information about:

  • Budgets from previous years
  • European Union Budgets, Autonomous Communities Budgets and Local Organisations Budgets
  • Budget legislation
  • Economic and financial report
  • Budget statistics
  • Other budget-related documentation From this page we can access the following information:
    • Working papers
    • Macroeconomic databases
    • Econometric programmes
    • Other documentation

European Union Funds

The Directorate General of Community Funds is the Central Government Body responsible for the study, assessment and co-ordination of how the Community Structural Funds, in particular the ERDF, and the Cohesion Fund are applied in Spain, notwithstanding the competences in this matter that other Government bodies may have. It also oversees the management of Regional Incentives and financial and budgetary relations with the European Union.

The website contains information and services related to the regional policy and their instruments, regarding both the community funds in the different periods and the regional incentives.

Personnel Costs

The General Directorate of Personnel Costs is responsible for, among other things, exercising the powers legally attributed to the Ministry of the Treasury and the Civil Service, with matters pertaining to costs derived from measures regarding active staff remuneration and the allocation of job positions in Administrative bodies. The website contains information about the regulation, statistics related to said functions and activity report.

Electronic Office of the Directorate General of European Funds

The Electronic Office of the Directorate General of European Funds provides citizens a point of access to the online services in the area of Regional Incentives and Community Funds.


General Comptroller of the State Administration

The General Comptroller of State Administrations (IGAE) is the internal control organ of the state public sector and the directive and management centre of state accounts..

As a control organ, the IGAE is responsible for verifying, via prior control of its legality, permanent financial oversight, public audits and financial control of subventions, and that the economic-financial activity of the public sector responds to criteria of legality, economy, efficiency and efficacy.

As the directive and management centre for state accounts, it’s duty is to provide reliable, complete, professional and independent information on publicly managed accounts. In this regard, it is responsible for issuing the accounts of the public sector according to the methods of the European System of National Accounts, the most concrete and specific result of which is the determination of the national debt, a fundamental item in the nation’s economic life, both as the total for all administrations and as subtotals for each sector.

Via these pages, you can access the different publications, statistics and reports issued by the IGAE that reflect the functions describe above, and the current regulations in the area of economic-financial control and public accounts, directly or via its own databases.

About us

Information is provided on:

  • Organisation chart
  • Memory
  • Regulations
  • Publications
  • Jobs in the public sector
  • Administrative procedures.


Here you can find, among other things, information on the role of the IGAE as a management centre and public accounting manager. Accordingly, this channel is structured into various subchannels, which begins with the current General Public Accounting Plan, the basic standard for this area. It also provides information on regulations, reports and other statistics, differentiating between state public accounting, local public accounting and national accounting. Queries on this subject resolved by IGAE are accessible in the LEI database. The available information is structured into the following sections

  • Public Accounting
    • General Public Chart of Accounts and related regulations
    • State Public Accounting
    • Local Public Accounting
    • Analytical Accounting
  • National Accounting
    • Calendar of publications
    • General information: regulations, manuals, guides and notes
    • Publications
  • Accounting Register of Invoices
  • Other public sector economic/financial information
  • Register of annual public sector accounts


This section contains information on the internal control function assigned to the IGAE on the economic and financial management of the state public sector.

This control shall be effected via the execution of inspector’s functions, permanent financial control and public audits, financial control of state subventions and public aid and control of European funds, all as detailed in this section.

  • Inspector’s functions
  • Permanent financial control and public audits
  • Financial control of subventions and public aid
  • Control of European funds
  • Continuous supervision

Coordinación antifraude

The National Service for Anti-fraud Coordination is the organ charged with coordinating the actions aimed at protecting the financial interests of the European Union against fraud, in collaboration with the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF).

The following information can be accessed in this section:

  • Regulations and other documentation
  • Communication of information on fraud or irregularities that affect European funds


Provides access to the following information:

  • Legislation and reports (Lei)
  • Inventory of bodies in the State Public Sector (INVESPE)
  • Inventory of bodies in the State, Autonomous Regions and Local Sector (INVENTE)
  • National System for Publication of Subventions and State Aid (SNPS)
  • National Accounts Information Centre (CIGAE)

Electronic office of the General Comptroller of the State Administration (IGAE)

Citizens can access electronic services relating to the financial control procedure for subsidies through the electronic office of the General Comptroller of the State Administration (IGAE).


The two previous channels (SGPG and IGAE) offer a specific directory of Links to similar or related content..

Logo Oficina Virtual

Online Office

The Online office provides information on the catalogue of information systems accessible from public organisations, a service to apply for access to any of the services or systems of this catalogue and access to the personalised desktop of applications or databases with restricted access, following authorisation. It also offers services for downloading updated versions of IT programmes or applications of interest for the economic and financial management of the public management bodies and for sending economic and financial information via the Internet by the governing bodies of the Spanish Administration; independent organisations; public companies and local entities.

This channel is structured into the following sections:

Administrative Procedures of the Ministry of the Treasury

Virtually all the activities of the Public Administration are developed around the management and processing of administrative procedures and services, characterised by their high degree of formalisation, as administrative activity is subject to regulations.

The administrative procedures and services are processes by means of which a competent administrative body decides on the provisions, services and pretensions suggested by the citizens.

With a view to provide information as to what the main administrative procedures and services are that are attributed to the defunct Ministry of the Treasury, this section (via a link to the Ministry’s portal) will cover all of these, and will allow you to digitally process those which are available.

Information Systems Catalogue

The list of applications that appears below arranged by type of administrative department, public organisation or public administration, refers to the information-systems catalogue of the State Secretariat for Budget and Expenditure, which can be accessed with prior authorisation from the database manager, classified in accordance with their recipients.

Specific information on each of the services can be found by clicking on the name of the particular service if this function is active; alternatively, additional information can be found by emailing the address that appears on the home page of this website.

Range of Online Services

This page shows the catalogue of web-based services provided by the State Secretariat for Budget and Expenditure to facilitate interoperability with the systems of other public administrations and entities.

Application for access to Information Systems

Within the scope of the State Secretariat for Budget and Expenditure, the access to the information systems and other electronic content or services provided via the Internet is regulated by the Resolution of 21 December 2015 issued by the State Secretariat for Budget and Expenditure, which governs the security policy for the information systems of the State Secretariat for Budget and Expenditure and the General Intervention Board of the State Administration.

In general, to access these services, the user must have previously registered and have permission to access each one. Moreover, these services increasingly require this access to be made using an e-certificate issued by a certification service provider from among those accepted for the area of budget administration.

Access to Information Systems

This section provides access to the Personalised Desktop of Information Systems of the State Secretariat for Budget and Expenditure. There you will find an icon for each Information System to which the user has been previously provided authorised access.

Download of IGAE Programmes

This section displays the information and download procedures for the programmes that the IGAE (General Intervention Board of the State Administration) places at the disposal of other public organisations, either to facilitate the sending of economic and budget information to the IGAE or because they are utility programmes for the economic management of the Public Sector.

Exchange format

This section provides standard formats for the exchange of information with the information systems of the Budget Administration made available to users external to this area. The following list includes a brief description of the purpose of the standard format, the people it targets and the legislation or documentation in which the format is specified.

Budget Utilities

This section basically offers:

  • Information exchange standards related to the drawing up of the State Budget.
  • Open data formats, in which the definition of the data structure of XML files that comprise the General State Budgets and their corresponding documentation is published.
  • Budget templates for the managing centres to draw up proposals for the Budget Scenarios and General State Budgets.

Complementary Information

This option provides different information that is complementary to the information provided in the rest of webpages and sections, currently:

  • TELCON Specifications
  • Basic Rules
  • Jubil@

SOROLLA2 collaborative environment

The SOROLLA2 collaborative environment provides general information about the SOROLLA2 information system. Among its different subsections, we can find information about What is SOROLLA2?; the main system Functionalities; How to request it; and the List of facilities that have adhered to it up to the date. It also provides information about the "SOROLLA2 roadmap" for the current year.

Online training is also provided, which focuses on three training scopes:

  • General concepts
  • Cashier management
  • Processing of expense files


The purpose of these forums is to provide a place where users can come to debate on topics they refer and to share experiences related thereof.

Usage rules: There are two types of forums: public forums and private forums. Public forums are open to anyone interested in their content, the access to which is free and does not require prior registration from the user. Private forums require a registered username and password for any type of access, which is carried out following the instructions specified in each case.

Verification of Budget Administration online documents

The Verification of Budget Administration online documents provides access to visualise online documents stored in the Budget Administration online document database, i.e. in the area of the State Secretariat for Budget and Expenditure.

Automated administrative actions

This page provides access to the published decisions that regulate the automated administrative actions within the scope of Budget Administration.

General aspects

The headers of the portal webpages include the institutional logotype of the Government and Ministry; the logotype of the State Secretariat for Budget and Expenditure; the option to access versions in other languages; the web search engine; and some auxiliary menus.

Home | Map | Contacts

From the institutional emblem of the Ministry of the Treasury, you can access the Ministry Portal, and from the SEPG logo you can come back to the home page of the Budget management portal

Below are the New developments in the contents of each main channel

Located on the footer, the complementary menu area offers information on the Browsing Guide, Technical Guide, Legal Notice, Accessibility and degree of compliance of certain Internet standards

.Icono de conformidad con el Nivel Doble-AXHTML 1.0 Transitional VálidoCSS Válido

How to know where you are?

In the header, in the upper contents part of the browsing pages, you can see the channel, subchannel and title of the page in which we are.

Home > Complementary Information > Basic Rules

We can also move around the website using the Map button located in the header of each webpage.

How to change language?

The Budget Administration's portal has a large part of its contents in a multi-language version. You may access the website in the co-official languages of Spain (Spanish, Catalan/Valencian, Galician and Basque) and in English. The menu that enables you to select languages is on the upper right-hand side of the header of the portal's home page and main channels.

Bienvenido | Benvingut | Ongi Etorri | Benvido | Welcome |

To view the version of the portal in a language other than Spanish (default language), you will have to select the word “welcome” in the language corresponding to the desired multi-language version.

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Web accessible to disabled people and other browsing devices

The Budget Administration's portal is accessible according to WAI (AA) WAG 2.0 standards.