Gobierno de España. Ministerio de Hacienda Y Función Pública. Abre nueva ventana Secretaría de Estado de Presupuestos y Gastos
Administración Presupuestaria

Main results

The following links provide interactive access to the numerical and textual information in the Resources-Results section of the 2022 Gender Impact Report:

The information, provided by the ministerial departments and other executive centres of the National Government, is shown at the level of budget programme, budget section and amounts of the expenditure policies. In addition to the purely analytical aspect, an explanatory sheet is also included for each gender-sensitive budget programme with the main lines of action of that programme in terms of gender equality and, where appropriate, objectives and indicators designed in this respect.

For the preparation of this report, 365 programmes of the Draft 2022 DSB, representing more than 338.5 billion euros of consolidated expenditure, have been analysed in terms of their relevance. Of these, 337 programmes have been considered gender-sensitive, with an overall amount of around 328.48 billion euros. These spending programmes have been classified into four strata of gender relevance: high, medium, low and negative.