The BD.MORES regional data base is the statistical basis for many of the regional analysis works published as Working Documents. It does not provide official data, but as a product necessary for the work in which it has been used, its characteristics are interesting for Spanish regional research. The preparation methodology is to be found in document D-2008-02, where the content and definition of the variables can be queried, as well as the method of preparation.
They contain regional databases with reference to three different base years: 2008, 2010 and 2015. For the BD.MORES base 2008, the methodology of the National Accounts of Spain according to the ESA 95 has been followed, and for the BD.MORES base 2010 and the BD.MORES base 2015 the one referred to in the ESA 2010 has been used.
Each database is provided in XLSX spreadsheet format (approximately 3.0 Mb in size).