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Gobierno de España. Ministerio de Hacienda Y Función Pública. Abre nueva ventana Secretaría de Estado de Presupuestos y Gastos
Administración Presupuestaria

Quarterly data base of the Spanish economy REMSDB

The BDREMS data base provides the series of the variables used in the REMS model ("A Rational Expectations Model for Simulation and Policy Evaluation of the Spanish Economy" by J.E. Boscá, A. Díaz, R. Doménech, J. Ferri, E. Pérez and L. Puch. D-2007-04. December, 2007). Although it was initially conceived as a complement to the model, it is believed that it may be generally useful in macroeconomic analysis thanks to the homogenisation of the historic series it contains.

The series run from the first quarter of 1980 to the third quarter of 2023 and their frequency is quarterly; in general, they are seasonally and calendar-adjusted series. Estimates at constant prices refer to 2015. The source of the data is, whenever possible, official statistics

The REMSDB Database forms part of a research project with the participation of the following entities: Rafael del Pino Foundation, BBVA Research, the University of Valencia,  Fundación de Economía Analítica,  the State Secretariat for Economy and Business Support and the State  Secretariat  for Budget and Expenditure.

It is delivered in an Excel spreadsheet of approximately 250 kb. The methodology of this data base can be referred to in the working document "The REMSDB Macroeconomic Database of The Spanish Economy" by J.E. Boscá, A. Bustos, A. Díaz, R. Doménech,c, J. Ferri, E. Pérez and L. Puch (D-2007-03).

Last update: November 21, 2023.