The BD.EURS (NACE Rev.2) database contains the basic macroeconomic variables – VAB in nominal and real, employment, gross fixed capital formation and capital stock – of 121 European regions, broken down by sector, according to the EUROSTAT classification (NACE Rev.2). As with the first version, this version of the BD.EURS is limited to regions (at NUTS-2 level) for which the highest quality and quantity of information is available for the period 1995-2014. These regions are: Belgium, Germany, France, Italy, Holland, Austria, Portugal, Sweden and Spain. The main source of information are the EUROSTAT regional data sets, as well as the existing information for countries in the AMECO and EU-KLEMS databases, as a reference. In addition to the extension of the period considered, this version has been adapted to the new European reference methodology (SEC 2010) for the System of National and Regional Accounts. The development methodology is set out in the working documents of this Directorate General for Budgets: Escribá, J., A. Gómez, M.J. Murgui and M.T. Sanchis (2019): BD.EURS (NACE Rev.2) database: New estimations. D-2019-1, Escribá J. and M.J. Murgui (2012), Nuevas estimaciones del stock de capital para las regiones europeas (1995-2007), D-2012-04 and Escribá J. y M.J. Murgui (2013), The BD.EURS (NACE Rev.1) database, D-2013-02.