Gobierno de España. Ministerio de Hacienda Y Función Pública. Abre nueva ventana Secretaría de Estado de Presupuestos y Gastos
Administración Presupuestaria

Informe de infancia, familia y adolescencia

Article 7, Section 7 of Order HAC/692/2018, of 28 June, setting the standards for drafting the 2019 State Budget, in relation to the report on the impact on children, adolescents and families, establishes that:

“The ministerial departments established for the purpose will deliver a report to the State Secretariat for Budgets and Expenditure analysing the impact of its spending programmes on children, adolescents and families, in the terms established by the State Secretariat.

These reports will constitute the basis for the State Secretariat for Budgets and Expenditure to draft its report on the impact on children, adolescents and families. A working group will be set up for this purpose, comprising representatives of the Ministry of Health, Consumer Affairs and Social Welfare, the State Secretariat for Budgets and Expenditure, and the Directorate-General for Budgets, in order to produce the final draft of the report on the impact on children, adolescents and families, which will accompany the draft State Budget”.

The report presents an analysis of the impact on children, adolescents and families of the spending programmes of the draft State Budget for 2019, based on the information supplied by the ministerial departments.